Monday, February 8, 2010

UNSuper Bowl

Well, my Colts couldn't pull it off last night. So sad! But the Saints did play a good game and even though I would have LOVED a Colts victory, I'm happy for the Saints.

We ventured out to friends to enjoy the game. R was a trooper even going right to sleep when we put her down part way through the game. She transitioned home just fine... until 130 rolled around. Last night marked two nights in a row of being up for 2-3 hours in the middle of the night with nothing really wrong. Ugh.. that makes for one tired mom (and dad too!). I'm hoping this is a bad fluke and that she will get back on track tonight.

R is a HUGE fan of sweet potatoes.. her first non-cereal food. I can't believe what joy she has found in them! Her first adventure with the food was about the funniest thing not only to us but apparently her too! Every time the spoon came out of the bowl with food on it R would squeal in delight. So cute! The sippy cup isn't going as smoothly as the food. She gets that the cup goes in the mouth but as far as actually drinking from it, not so much. In fact, when she does get water out 9 times out of 10 she just lets it run out her mouth and down her front. Oh well! It is still so cute!

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