Monday, November 9, 2009

Ladybug Ladybug

October was quite a month for the Murray house. We had our first road trip to Chicago with an overnight pitstop in Indy. Reagan was a fantastic traveler and had no problem sleeping in beds that weren't her own. We had a lot of fun getting to see family and friends and introducing Reagan to everyone. We also made a day trip up to Columbus so Reagan could hang out with her Aunt Ann and see her new apartment.
October also brought a change to our daily routine. I went back to work the last week of October. Ugh. The first week was really tough but the second week got a little easier. I am only in the office three days a week which makes it a little more tolerable. Reagan seems to be adjusting just fine to daycare. The staff love her because she is so little compared to everyone else. Staff from the whole building come in the room to see her and hold her so we know she getting love while we are apart. It also helps that they have a camera in the room that I can log into while I'm at work and see what she is up to. It's hard to leave her in the mornings and that is why I delegated the role of dropping Reagan off at daycare in the mornings to Jim. Then I pick her up on my way home. It seems to be working out.

Then came Halloween and as you can see, Reagan was a ladybug. We didn't actually do any trick-or-treating with her and by the time kids started coming to the door she was over being in the costume and took a little nap before heading to bed. But while she had it on, she was so cute!

Below are a couple pics of Reagan from October. How is she already over three months old??

Enjoying some tummy time at Aunt Ann's apartment!

Reagan's fingers got in a scuffle with her face during nap time and the fingers won... her nails were trimmed promptly afterward.

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