Saturday, August 8, 2009

Introducing Reagan Lily!!

She's here!! Reagan Lily arrived Friday, July 31, at 9:18 p.m. She weighed in at 6 lbs 13.7 oz and measured 20 inches. We are so excited to finally have here with us. After a few days in the hospital we arrived home late Monday afternoon. The first week has been quite an experience. I ended up having a c-section so have had to try and recover from that while trying to take care of Miss Reagan. Jim was home all week which was such a blessing. He is a great dad already and I can tell the two of them have something special going on.

We are working on the night time routine. She can sleep great during the day but doesn't really care for sleep as much at night! Oh well... such is life and we'll get it figured out. Due to the limited sleep we haven't really left the house. We've been lucky that Jeff is still living with us as he made sure we had dinner every night this week.

Since Reagan is currently napping I should try and catch a few minutes myself. Below are a few photos for your viewing pleasure:


  1. Congrats! She is so adorable! How is the dog doing with her?? Enjoy her now they grow up so fast!

  2. Congratulations and what a beautiful baby girl! Enjoy every second and make sure to laugh a lot during those 3:00 am feedings (that's all you can do)! Mario, Kristy, and Isabel Garcia
